Unit Converter


Unit converters help you determine how a given value in one unit corresponds with the same value in another unit. 

The benefits of unit converters are convenience and accuracy. They allow you to make conversions quickly and accurately without having to spend time doing math; they also eliminate rounding errors or math mistakes that may happen when you make conversions manually.

Unit converters are beneficial to people who need to calculate conversions quickly and efficiently using simple tools. There are many different types of units such as SI units, imperial units, etc.

Unit converters are also useful for the people who have mixed units such as metric and imperial in their calculations because they can reduce the confusion by just converting two numbers into one unit.


An angle is the measure of the amount of turn between two lines. The most common way to measure angles is in degrees, with 360 degrees in a circle, 90 degrees in a right angle, and 180 degrees in half of a circle. 

There are many types of angles including right angles, straight angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, reflex angles, complementary angles, supplementary angles, and vertical angles.

Bits and Bytes

People often forget that a byte is a unit of digital storage, not a unit of data throughput. The byte is used to describe the amount of information that can be stored in one location in computer memory. A kilobyte (KB) is 1000 bytes, meaning that it takes 1000 bytes of data to make up one kilobyte.

A byte divides into 8 bits, which are the smallest units of measurement for computers.


Density is a measure of how closely spaced objects are in a given area. Density is measured as the mass per unit volume, and is calculated as the total mass of an object divided by the object's volume. The metric system uses kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

Electric Current

Current is the time-dependent electric charge passing through a point on a wire. The SI unit for current is the ampere, which is equal to one coulomb of charge per second. Ampere is often written as mA or A.


Energy is the total amount of power available. It is used to produce electricity, heat, or motion. A form of energy can be changed by adding or removing heat or other forms of energy. It can also be changed by exchanging it with work. Forms of energy are mechanical, electrical, solar, thermal, and kinetic.


The word "force" is often used in physics to describe the magnitude of a physical interaction. In other words, it is a physical property that causes an object to have inertia. Force is simply the product of mass and acceleration, so if two objects have different masses but the same acceleration, they will have different amounts of force on them.

Force is a measure of the pressure applied to a substance, and is a key concept in physics. For example, when a person pushes on a wall, they exert a force on it. The wall exerts an equal and opposite force on the person. Force is also important when considering how an object changes velocity, such as when you push on one end of a toy car to make it go faster.

Fuel Consumption

Fuel consumption is a measurement of how much fuel is used, typically, per mile or kilometer. The calculation is based on factors such as the vehicle type, fuel type, and driving conditions. 

The most accurate way to measure fuel consumption is by measuring the amount and type of petrol and diesel used and multiplying that by the mileage covered. This is not always feasible as it requires someone to follow the car for a test period.


Length is a measurement of an object. Length can be measured in centimeters, inches, feet, yards, and miles. The United States Customary Units for length is in inches and feet.


Mass is an object's resistance to changes in velocity, that is, it resists speeding up or slowing down. This property of matter helps keep objects on the ground and creates a degree of inertia and gravitation and keeps galaxies and planets within their orbits. Objects with greater mass have more inertia; meaning they take more force to get them going and they also require more force for stopping them.


Power is a measurement of how much work is done by a force in a unit of time. In equation form, it is typically represented as the product of two terms: one being force and the other being velocity. In physics, power can be calculated using the following equation: P = Fv. 


Pressure is a force applied over an area. Pressure can be measured using a pressure gauge or manometer, which are typically found on gas tanks, air tanks, and hydraulic fluid tanks. Environmental pressures are often the result of gravity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rain, or other meteorological phenomena. 


Speed is the rate of motion, which is typically measured in meters per second. In a vacuum, speed can be used to measure how many kinetic units are gained over a given amount of time. It is typically measured by the number of meters traveled in a set amount of time or by the number of kilometers traveled in an hour. The two most common units for measuring speed are kilometers per hour and miles per hour.


Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of an object or system. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. The measurement of thermal energy is important for studying systems involving heat transfer because it helps scientists understand how quickly heat moves through a system.


In the physical sciences, such as physics, time is typically partitioned into discrete units of measure. One of the most common of these units is called a "second". A second is defined as an SI unit of time which can be measured, and also manipulated in that it has a specific duration and subdivisions. It is important to note that there are different types of seconds: standard seconds and atomic seconds.


Volume is the three-dimensional extent of something. The volume of a solid is usually calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height, or some other way to measure its size. The volume of a liquid can be calculated by measuring the volume of water it displaces. Volume also has applications in physics, with quantifying volumes of space or lengths of time.

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