Prime Numbers Finder

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Prime Numbers

What is a prime number? In math, a prime number is a whole number that is divisible only by itself and 1. A prime number has no factors other than 1 or itself. The first few prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. 

One of the most important and surprisingly complex aspects of mathematics is that of prime numbers. The use of prime numbers in the creation of algorithms, encryption technologies, and software programs is increasing at an exponential rate. Although many people don't understand what a prime number is or why they are so crucial to humanity's technological advancement, it is important for society to be aware and informed about how these small but pivotal numbers affect everything we do.

The prime numbers are often used in math because they have unique mathematical properties. They are used in most computer encryption, which makes them very important for security purposes. Prime numbers are also useful when it comes to solving complex problems because of the way they interact with each other. 

To this day, no one has been able to prove that there is an infinite number of prime numbers.

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