Base64 Encoder & Decoder

What is Base64 Encoding & Decoding?

Base64 is an encoding standard that converts 8-bit binary data to a text representation with 64 characters per data element, using the 64-character alphabet.

Base64 is used in web development when images are sent over HTTP, in email attachments when sending proprietary documents, in chat messages when sending files, and in many other places.

Decoding is the reverse process of encoding.

What is a Base64 Encoder?

A Base64 encoder is a tool that encodes a sequence of bytes to a sequence of 4-byte hexadecimal digits.

Base64 is a commonly used data encoding standard for binary information within the range of printable ASCII characters, which has become an international standard. The format consists of 64 four-digit groups (called "codepoints"), each encoding six bits of data, and it can represent up to 64 megabits.

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