What are Base64 Encoding and Decoding?

Base64 encoding and decoding is a method of representing binary data in an ASCII string of text.

Encoding: Base64 encodes binary data into printable ASCII string that can be sent via e-mail or any other networked protocol.

Decoding: Base64 decodes the encoded string back to a binary representation.

Base64 encoding and decoding are commonly used for transmitting and storing binary data, especially images on the web.

How to Decode Base64 Encoded Files

Base64 encoding is a widely used method that converts binary data into printable ASCII characters. It is commonly used to encode binary data for email, Usenet messages, and other situations where plain text compatibility is important.

Decoding implementation of base 64 encodings is done by passing the encoded string through the base64_decode function. This function takes a string as input and returns the decoded string so it can be reconstructed from the original encoded string.

What is Base64 Used For?

When you send an email, it is typically encoded into a Base64 string. The encoding process converts your email into a format that can be used by the receiving party to decode on their own.

To decode, the receiving party must have a Base64 decoder. There are many free and paid tools available online that can help with this task.

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